Reading and Language Arts Worksheets Don¿t Grow Dendrites - Cover

Reading and Language Arts Worksheets Don¿t Grow Dendrites


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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9781452280240
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 200 S.
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2013
Format: EPUB
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Adobe DRM



Brain-based strategies turn reluctant readers into motivated learners!

Building on Marcia Tates successful dendrite-growing teaching strategies, Reading and Language Arts Worksheets Dont Grow Dendrites contains 300 instructional activities and brain-compatible literacy. Newly consistent with Common Core State Standards, this resource offers hands-on techniques to help teach reading in relevant, motivating, and engaging ways. Activities cover literacy instruction including:

Phonemic awarenessPhonics and vocabulary instructionText comprehensionReading authentically, widely, and strategicallyWriting strategicallyCreating, critiquing, and discussing textsConducting researchUsing technological resourcesRespecting diversity in languageParticipating in literary communitiesUsing language to accomplish purposes


AcknowledgmentsAbout the AuthorIntroductionStrategy 1: Brainstorming and Discussion What: Defining the Strategy Why: Theoretical Framework How: Instructional Activities Reflection and ApplicationStrategy 2: Drawing and Artwork What: Defining the Strategy Why: Theoretical Framework How: Instructional Activities Reflection and ApplicationStrategy 3: Field Trips What: Defining the Strategy Why: Theoretical Framework How: Instructional Activities Reflection and ApplicationStrategy 4: Games What: Defining the Strategy Why: Theoretical Framework How: Instructional Activities Reflection and ApplicationStrategy 5: Graphic Organizers, Semantic Maps, and Word Webs What: Defining the Strategy Why: Theoretical Framework How: Instructional Activities Reflection and ApplicationStrategy 6: Humor What: Defining the Strategy Why: Theoretical Framework How: Instructional Activities Reflection and ApplicationStrategy 7: Manipulatives, Experiments, Labs, and Models What: Defining the Strategy Why: Theoretical Framework How: Instructional Activities Reflection and ApplicationStrategy 8: Metaphors, Analogies, and Similes What: Defining the Strategy Why: Theoretical Framework How: Instructional Activities Reflection and ApplicationStrategy 9: Mnemonic Devices What: Defining the Strategy Why: Theoretical Framework How: Instructional Activities Reflection and ApplicationStrategy 10: Movement What: Defining the Strategy Why: Theoretical Framework How: Instructional Activities Reflection and ApplicationStrategy 11: Music, Rhythm, Rhyme, and Rap What: Defining the Strategy Why: Theoretical Framework How: Instructional Activities Reflection and ApplicationStrategy 12: Project-Based and Problem-Based Instruction What: Defining the Strategy Why: Theoretical Framework How: Instructional Activities Reflection and ApplicationStrategy 13: Reciprocal Teaching and Cooperative Learning What: Defining the Strategy Why: Theoretical Framework How: Instructional Activities Reflection and ApplicationStrategy 14: Role Plays, Drama, Pantomimes, and Charades What: Defining the Strategy Why: Theoretical Framework How: Instructional Activities Reflection and ApplicationStrategy 15: Storytelling What: Defining the Strategy Why: Theoretical Framework How: Instructional Activities Reflection and ApplicationStrategy 16: Technology What: Defining the Strategy Why: Theoretical Framework How: Instructional Activities Reflection and ApplicationStrategy 17: Visualization and Guided Imagery What: Defining the Strategy Why: Theoretical Framework How: Instructional Activities Reflection and ApplicationStrategy 18: Visuals What: Defining the Strategy Why: Theoretical Framework How: Instructional Activities Reflection and ApplicationStrategy 19: Work Study and Apprenticeships What: Defining the Strategy Why: Theoretical Framework How: Instructional Activities Reflection and ApplicationStrategy 20: Writing and Journals What: Defining the Strategy Why: Theoretical Framework How: Instructional Activities Reflection and ApplicationResource A: Brain-Compatible Lesson DesignResource B: Graphic OrganizersBibliographyIndex

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