House of Hopes and Dreams

eBook - A delightful and absorbing read

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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9781473526242
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 480 S., 1.84 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2018
Format: EPUB
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Adobe DRM


This novel from theSunday Timesbestselling Trisha Ashley will more than satisfy romantic comedy fans. And it also contains recipes!

When Carey Revell unexpectedly becomes the heir to Mossby, his familys ancestral home, its rather a mixed blessing. The house is large but rundown and comes with a pair of resentful relatives who cant be asked to leave. Still, newly dumped by his girlfriend and also from his job as a TV interior designer, Carey needs somewhere to lick his wounds. And Mossby would be perfect for a renovation show. He already knows someone who could restore the stained glass windows in the older part of the house

Angel Arrowsmith has spent the last ten years happily working and living with her artist mentor and partner. But suddenly bereaved, she finds herself heartbroken, without a home or a livelihood. Life will never be the same again until old friend Carey Revell comes to the rescue.

They move in to Mossby with high hopes. But the house has a secret at its heart: an old legend concerning one of the famous windows. Will all their dreams for happiness be shattered? Or can Carey and Angel find a way to make this house a home?

Heart-warming, witty and quirkily original, Trisha Ashley's THE HOUSE OF HOPES AND DREAMS will delight both old fans and new readers alike.


Trisha Ashley'sSunday Timesbestselling novels have twice been shortlisted for the Melissa Nathan Award for Comedy Romance, andEvery Woman for Herselfwas nominated by readers as one of the top three romantic novels of the last fifty years.

Trisha lives in North Wales. For more information about her please visit, her Facebook page or follow her on Twitter @trishaashley.

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