Digital Media, Online Activism, and Social Movements in Korea

eBook - Korean Communities across the World

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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9781793642295
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 408 S.
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2021
Format: EPUB
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Adobe DRM


Digital Media, Online Activism, and Social Movements in Korea deepens the current understanding of online activism and its impacts on society by highlighting how various forms of social movements have been mobilized in Korea. Through exploring movements in Korea such as political participation based on SNS, the 2008 U.S. beef protests, and the 2016-2017 candlelight vigils, the contributors study the intersection of digital media platforms, current trends, and social, cultural, and political conditions within Korean society. Using a wide range of events and movements, this book analyzes how people have utilized the development of digital media to facilitate social movements and effect social change.


Dr. Hojeong Lee teaches media studies in the Department of Media Studies and Production at Temple University.

Dr. Joong-Hwan Oh is professor of sociology at Hunter College of The City University of New York.


Chapter 1: Diversity of Online News Media: Source and Frame Analyses

Chapter 2: Constructing CollectiveMemory in the Digital Era: An Analysis of News Stories on the Former Presidents Death

Chapter 3: Relationships between Online Users Perceived Journalistic Roles and News Engagement: The Moderating Role of Credibility

Chapter 4: A Functional Analysis of the 2007 South Korean Presidential Campaign Blogs

Chapter 5: The Influence of Blog Posting on Issue Involvement and Political Participation

Chapter 6: YouTube Videos as a Means of Grassroots Mobilization in Koreas Candlelight Movements: "Learning from YouTube" Revisited

Chapter 7: Who Talks Politics?: An Empirical Study of Online and Offline Casual Political Communication

Chapter 8: The Internet and Social Media: Integrated Consequences for Political Discussion for Korean College Students

Chapter 9: Why Does the Press Still Matter? Explaining the Conditional Effects of Online Mobilization of Protest on Newspaper Market Structures in Asia

Chapter 10:Digital Revolution or Digital Dominance? Regime Type, Internet Control, and Political Activism in East Asia

Chapter 11: Does SNS make Gender Differences in Political Participation? South Korean Case Study

Chapter 12: Revisiting the Cultural Logic of Politics in the Digital Age: Internet Use, Personalization of Political Action, and Asian Values

Chapter 13: Determinants of Unaffiliated Citizen Protests: The Korean Candlelight Protests of 2016-2017

Chapter 14: A Matter of Trust and Utility? Perceptions of Online Political Content, Protest, and Political Participation in South Korea

Chapter 15: Same Despair but Different Hope: Youth Activism in East Asia and Contentious Politics

Chapter 16: #MeToo in South Korea: A Comparative Analysis of Feminist Perspectives in a Cultural Context

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