Neue Technologien in der Pflege

eBook - Wissen, Verstehen, Handeln

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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9783170367814
Sprache: Deutsch
Seiten: 310 S., 4.60 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2020
Format: EPUB
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Digitales Wasserzeichen


The digitalization of professional nursing is part of the rapid technological developments that are taking place worldwide. Digitalization has long since entered the world of work and private life. We=re currently in the second wave of digitalization and are about to enter the third. In the field of nursing and health care, research is already taking place on virtual reality, smart home technology, robotics and deep learning, and in some cases these are even already being used. Technological development is being strongly supported by the German government in view of demographic changes& through national innovation centres, among other things& and many different projects are also underway at the European level to find solutions and exploit synergies. There is considerable hope that nursing technologies will be able to solve future problems in nursing care. At the same time, there is a lack of basic knowledge in the sector, both for understanding the technology and for making it understandable for those involved. This volume covers the foundations of the topic of nursing and technology, introduces fields of application for new technologies in nursing, offers a critical examination of the advantages and limitations of these technologies, and indicates the new, changed tasks that are arising in the nursing field.


Anne Meissner, Professor of Nursing and Care Organization at the University of Hildesheim, spokesperson for the Development and Consequences of Technology in Nursing Section of the German Society for Nursing Science, currently serving as expert for Germany in the Joint Programming Initiative ?More Years, Better Lives= for the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Christophe Kunze, Professor of Assistive Health Technologies in the Faculty of Health, Safety and Society at Furtwangen University of Applied Sciences, board member of the Research Institute for Humans, Technology and Participation (IMTT) at Furtwangen University of Applied Sciences, member of the ?Human&Technology Interaction= section at the BW Centre for Applied Research (BW-CAR) and co-founder of Nubedian Software GmbH.

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